Recommended Cleaning Instructions for Ultrafabrics®

Brisa® | Ultraleather® | Ultratech®

One of the best ways to keep Ultrafabrics looking great is through proper maintenance and regular cleaning to prevent excessive dirt from accumulating.

To help keep your quality fabrics looking their best, follow these guidelines to extend the life of the fabric:

This information is not a guarantee. Please use all cleaning and disinfecting agents safely and as instructed. The use of other cleaning agents, disinfectants, conditioners or protectants is not recommended as they can degrade fabric's performance and may void Ultrafabrics warranty.

Ink & Stain Resistant collections note:

A variety of clothing and accessories may contain dyes that could transfer to lighter colors, depending upon variations in temperature and humidity. Dye transfer is difficult to control, not always fully preventable, and may be irreversible. Fabric may not protect against intentional stains or permanent inks.

*This also applies to the removal of most ballpoint inks from Ultraleather® | Pro and Ultraleather® | Reef Pro

All above instructional content and user guides are provided courtesy Ultrafabrics Inc.
